So I get very tired of washing a million cups a day or filling up the dishwasher within a few hours with cups! For some reason we can never remember what cup belongs to which person. To solve this
dilemma, I made some personalized fabric coasters! I originally got this idea from Amy Karol's book Bend -the -Rules Sewing
Bend-the-Rules Sewing: The Essential Guide to a Whole New Way to Sew
(her website is here: ) . I used her idea for inspiration, but didn't read her directions. My kids helped to pick out their own fabrics.
Supplies:Fabric squares-2 for each coaster 4x4 or 5x5 would work well
Sewing Machine and thread
Twill tape about 6" long for each coaster
Fabric markers
Alphabet stamps
How To:1. Using a fabric marker, color alphabet stamps and stamp onto the twill tape the name of your choice.
2. Now sew twill tape onto the right side of one fabric square. Sew down both sides and trim off excess tape on both sides
3. Placing right sides facing, sew fabric squares together leaving an opening to turn.
4. Turn right side out
5. Sew the opening closed and you can
top stich all the way around the coaster if you wish.
6. Your done! Pretty Easy!!
(Sorry, pic isn't rotated.)